And life’s like an hourglass glued to the table…

November 1, 2008

NOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! I will NOT go quietly!!!!!!

Most Fashionable Reader! Zelda has dragged herself out of The Treacherous Abyss and has pulled herself to her feet to, well, face her demons head-on by writing about some form of some sort of journey into hell. Zelda is not one to rub salt in her wounds, Dear Reader, but she does have a fondness for rubbing alcohol.

James Joyce! Zelda has missed you so! Also Ulysses! Zelda cannot wait to go farther with you! Maybe even third base! And Vivienne! Zelda has missed you more! Zelda has missed you most!

The video below is something that has made Zelda feel better lately. It is a sweet little song — Zelda had forgotten about it until she heard it whilst getting her hair styled last week. Zelda feels the lyrics would have been a tad more cohesive, however, had Anna Nalick written it when she was a little older. Ah, well.

“My God! It’s so beautiful when the boy! Smiles!”

The writing on the wall

Fade past the unglazed mug, the shampoo commercial, the Still Life with Waterfall. Fingers blunt with cold. The sound of an old film. Aspirin tablets, chicken salad sandwiches. Extension cords round the room like lions. The smell of the weak, the descent of their last end —

Breaking the Silence

October 14, 2008

Tori Amos Holds a Chicken. Yeah, It Makes Sense. Really.Zelda was fully prepared to post this entry last night, Dearest Reader, but, instead, she has been looping the video of Tori Amos performing “Professional Widow” that Our Most Fashionable Vivienne of Fashion posted in her most recent entry for seven hours straight. And, in honor of our Dearest Most Fashionable Vivienne, Zelda shall quote from Tori Amos regarding aforementioned song. Zelda shall show you these quotes, Reader, because they make sense. And, as Tori Amos fans know but do not like to admit, most of what comes out of Tori Amos’s mouth does not make much sense, so these quotes are truly a rarity, because they make perfect freaking sense. And, in actuality, they make the most sense of anything that Zelda has read this entire year, and they have caused Zelda to become obsessed with Tori Amos again, just like she was when she was an undergraduate. So these are some of the Fashionable Things Tori Amos has to say about “Professional Widow”:

“I am very interested in what is strong and what is weak in a person. Interested in my vision of self — how people see me instead of how I see myself. I’ll pull out each part of this being that is judged harshly, and some of these parts are extreme. For instance, ‘Professional Widow’ is an extreme part. It can get hard because I want to be king. All of us women want to be king but we have to be queens. You know, it’s like Lady Macbeth or something.” (from The Dent)

Slash Gives Unfashionable Readers the Finger“That’s my Lady Macbeth, the side of me that wanted power. But power in a man’s world. I wanted to be Indiana Jones, not the girlfriend. But as I began to do that I started to alienate many men. ‘Widow’ is my hunger for the energy I felt some of the men in my life possessed: the ability to be king. I wasn’t content just being a muse. I was the creative force. I was in relationships with different men where if they could honour that, they couldn’t honour the woman, and if they could honour the woman, they couldn’t honour the creative force.” (from Pop Idol)

And, my personal favorite:

“Professional Widow is the Lady Macbeth archetype. There are many ways to play Lady Macbeth. It can be done in a Jackie O suit.” (from YesSaid)

Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand resounding shouts for playing Lady Freaking Macbeth in a Jackie Freaking O suit! Yes! Yes! Yes!


James Joyce is making Zelda write these things, Dear Reader. It’s all his fault. And with that statement, Zelda moves a smidgen closer to The Ulysses Experiment. . .

Please note that Slash is wearing a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest t-shirt. Yesssssssss!But first! Zelda must make a public declaration! To make this public declaration publicly, however, Zelda must first make a rather embarrassing and shameful admission. Zelda must say publicly that she was laid off in August. Zelda must say publicly that she is now unemployed. Zelda must say publicly that she has had no luck in finding employment since being laid off in August. Zelda must say publicly that she has absolutely no money. Zelda must say publicly that cheese has now become an unaffordable luxury in her sad little Household of One.

Now, Zelda can make her public declaration. So here it is:

IF YOU HAVE A JOB, ZELDA DOESN’T WANT TO HEAR YOU TALKING ABOUT FREAKING OUT ABOUT THE FREAKING ECONOMY. Zelda has her Own Personal Economy to worry about. Zelda is no longer going to reach her Fashionable Hand of Fashion to you in an attempt to pull you out of your despair over the present economy-in-general. That means you Andy Secher at Hit Parader, Circus Magazine, Mick Wall at Kerrang, Bob Guccione Jr. at Spin. . .

But seriously, Reader. Zelda doesn’t want to hear it. This is rather difficult for Zelda, for even Zelda’s mother admits that Zelda is a nurturer (among many other things). Stop laughing, Reader — it’s true, Zelda swears.

No transition.

Zelda is mentioning a funeral, methods of death, a raincoat, and a hat in exercise below. And also: for those of you who feel the need to call Zelda and freak out about the freaking economy (Zelda is mostly — but not completely — referring to a non-parental member of her immediate family here, one who will never read her musings), Zelda has provided an educational Electric Company clip for you below.

Everybody’s in a little pain every once and a while. You’re not the only one. So what do you really gain? It makes no sense to complain!

Ballistics Studies Reveal Forgiven Debt, Uxoricide, Filicide, Attempted Suicide, Suicide

Cadavers suspended from cloud formations. Notyetwinter means unlined raincoats. The rain like sleet on the unemployment line stretching past the parking lot that cigarettesmoking procession playing a scratched record three tombstones down from your loved one. A man on his cellphone touching his tophat. I am forgetting your tears. To feel comfortable about the dead, break them into pieces. Send my cinders home to Mother.

You’re probably shy and introspective. BUT THAT! IS! NOT! PART OF MY OBJECTIVE!

October 13, 2008

Dearest, Most Fashionable Reader: Zelda has a problem. Now, Zelda realizes that she is hardly back in the saddle when it comes to the dating scene, since Roxette was still releasing new music when she last dated, but she felt that certain statements would still ring true within the dating world. Such as: if two people have massive quantities of sex over an extended period of time, then they will be forced to come up for air eventually and, during aforementioned air gathering, they would, perhaps, get a bite or two to eat or watch a movie. Such as: if two people go to restaurants and the cinema together, if two people spend time out in public together and enjoy aforementioned time, then they will eventually end up enjoying the other’s, ah, company in the bedroom. These two statements have not rung true for Zelda, Reader. Zelda illustrates this with the following illustration:

If! Then! Featuring the Fabulous Joan Crawford and Cigarettes!

And, like Dearest, Dearest Vivienne, I can offer you no transition to this imaginary letter written to an imaginary person from an imaginary person, which was inspired by Martha’s letter to Leopold Bloom a/k/a Henry Flower Esq. I can offer you only the video below — which is Liz Phair performing the fabulous “Flower” live. Unlike most of her live performances, however, this one is actually quite good. There’s even an extra verse at the end!

Also, Reader: Zelda would like to apologize for the nastiness (hers as well as Liz Phair’s) in the letter below but would also like to blame it on James Joyce.

the masochist says hit me and the sadist says no

naughty you no massaging your silly thinskin your babyfine headhair your naughtynaughty slapsore cock pam grier from a cheap frame watching us fuck and my fingers splaying and pressing your headboard (moving to livingroom) pam grier from a cheap frame watching us fuck and your cock being fucked on the sofa you like to be fucked your cock to be smacked and pulled I have noticed your eyes railroading me with want (with your hair I am making saltwater taffy) I wait for the want to escape your lips for naughtyyou to say —

In Which Vivienne Makes a Number of Admissions.

October 9, 2008

Look, Fair Readers.  You have stuck with me for quite a bit.  Through thick and thin, as it were.  And, as it is, I will make this admission:

Vivienne’s life is a disaster.

I mean, a Courtney-Love-at-five-a.m. disaster.  A late-Judy-Garland-attempting-to-film-Valley-of-the-Dolls disaster.  A Liza-Minelli-at-any-point disaster.  Together?  Vivienne does not have a whit of it.  And so, Vivienne is not quite sure why she has taken this, this very moment, this Judy-Garland-in-tragic-sunglasses moment, to quit smoking.

Careful Readers may be saying to themselves: Quit smoking?  I thought Vivienne already quit smoking.  I thought that happened years ago. Yes, Careful Readers, you are correct.  Vivienne did quit smoking, and it did happen years ago.  But Vivienne took up smoking again.  And here Vivienne makes a sad admission: Vivienne’s journey back down Nicotine Way started because of a man (actually, in an attempt to talk to a man in an unguarded smokehazed moment, during which said man confessed his homosexual tendencies, which Vivienne ignored to date him anyway) and continued because of a man (a man who, in Ms. Big Edie Bouvier-Beales’ words, was so warm on the telephone but so cold in person) (whose behavior also hinted at homosexual tendencies, which Vivienne ignored to semi-date him anyway, which brings to mind a pattern …).  And so, in order to liberate herself of Said Men, Vivienne is going to quit smoking.

Which leads Vivienne to think of her other additions: besides her addiction to dating and semi-dating men with homosexual tendencies, there is her addition to Diet Coke.  Smoking is bad.  Yes.  This, Vivienne can clearly see.  Diet Coke?  Nothing can convince her.  Her doctor tells her to stop drinking Diet Coke because it is eating her bones.  Vivienne is so exhausted by this news that she can do nothing but drink a Diet Coke.  Vivienne watches footage of an egg dropped in Diet Coke.  Vivienne watches as its shell dissolves.  Vivienne thinks, how refreshing would a cold Diet Coke be right now? Vivienne’s teeth fall out because she drinks so much Diet Coke.  Vivienne thinks, perhaps I could freeze Diet Coke in a dental mold?

And now, I provide you with no clear transition to tonight’s Ulysses assignment, inspired by Chapter 5, in which Mr. Bloom wanders around, tears up a letter, thinks about sluts, and witnesses an odd version of mass in which the Eucharist seems to come before the Gospel (perhaps this is just his perception, though): an imagine letter from an imaginary person.   Who is, hopefully, happily drinking a Diet Coke, smoking a Camel, and just acting on his homosexual tendencies fergod’ssake like he should’ve done instead of all that damned repression.

Dearest Y.,

As for the fish I am not sure.  Perhaps when feeding the tank left open, perhaps flipped themselves outwards.  Somewhere I read of their teeth though not sure this is a true thing.  Have you left the flowers where they were or are they elsewhere aplantered?  Last night I could swear bright as day.  The moon or something.  Six cents a sheet, the copies are, and the library overrun with moths.  Ate the verbs out and all of the Rs in the Oxford.  Crying shame, hidden in that dress in the corner, with the stains on the glovetips and seed pearls rolling.  Perhaps Sunday?  Or the hot rolls and the coffee burnt, heating element eternal lit, red eye in the night.  Lit his smoke on it and caught the hair on fire, poor guy.  Bugger he or should’ve been.  Or would’ve wished to.  Pour out the last of the glasses and call a night to it, will you?  Yes then.  Yes.



Give me onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten bottles of gin.

October 7, 2008

The Survival Series for Kids!Dearest Reader: do you remember the set of books called The Survival Series for Kids? It consisted of 28 books, ranging from What to Do When Your Mom or Dad Says . . . BEHAVE IN PUBLIC! to What to Do When Your Mom or Dad Says . . . BE PREPARED! Zelda’s two favorites were What to Do When Your Mom or Dad Says . . . BE GOOD! and What to Do When Your Mom or Dad Says . . . DO SOMETHING BESIDES WATCHING TV! Remember, Dear Reader: the ellipses and the exclamation Madonna!points are very important. Zelda also loved the books because they were one of those Written by / Pictures by deals, and the illustrator’s name was Bartholomew. Simply Bartholomew. Zelda found that incredibly fabulous, for it reminded her of Madonna.

Now, it’s always good to have a plan in certain situations, Dearest Reader. [And yes, Zelda is aware that this entry is sounding more and more like a daily devotional.] And today, O Reader, Zelda would like to share how she deals with one of her unmentionables.

Which brings me to, right after these ellipses . . . A SHANE MACGOWAN VIDEO! ABOUT! DRINKING! IN WHICH! HE IS! SOBER! Or looks it anyway. This most fabulous video also stars (& was directed by) the Delectable Johnny Depp in 1994, back when Johnny Depp was still delectable. Near the end of the video, you will see someone dancing on a bar table in the background. This, my Dearest, Fashionable Readers, would be Zelda.

Head straight for the bar and get a glass of ginger ale.

I’ve had my share. Not on Thursdays, darling. No. No. No, but thanks. It wouldn’t mix well with the antipsychotics. Not with these boots on, dear. But I’m already holding one. No thanks. I’m good. I’ve had enough already. Thanks, but no.

In Which Vivienne Discusses the Inappropriate Nature of Her Youth

October 6, 2008

Circumstances have arisen that have led to an odd necessity, this odd necessity being that Vivienne must look through Photographs of Her Youth, particularly Photographs of Her Youth as a College Student, in order to find An Entirely Appropriate Photograph of Her Youth as a College Student.  I admit that I thought this would be an easy undertaking.  Apparently, however, in the years since her graduation from college, Vivienne seems to have Completely and Entirely forgotten what her Life as a Youth as a College Student was like.  Vivienne found one photograph.  She was wearing a black velvet bra and a man’s suit jacket.  This, obviously, was Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found a second, third, fourth, and fifth photograph.  In all of these photographs, she was holding a wine glass.  Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found a sixth and seventh photograph.  She was shotgunning a beer in both.  Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found an eighth photograph of her smiling pleasantly in a pleasant pink wool sweater.  Vivienne felt hope.  Vivienne looked closer.  Her roommate’s bong was in the background.  Absolutely Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne finally found a ninth photograph of her working hard at her computer.  Finally!  Appropriateness!  But for the “Militant Agnostic: You Don’t Know and I Don’t Know Either” bumper sticker plastered to the wall behind her left shoulder, not to mention the sight of a shirtless man behind her.  Absolutely Most Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne now despairs, and thinks An Entirely Appropriate Photograph of Her Youth as a College Student is a non-existant myth.

Which brings us, fashionably, to this evening’s exercise, based on the fourth section of Ulysses, in which Mr. Bloom defecates in the outhouse.  In this evening’s exercise, Viv and Zel have agreed to mention something unmentionable.  Enjoy.

Wanting I think she wants a man who’s got no time for her because she doesn’t want to have time for a man.  Well, maybe she doesn’t want a man.  Has that made its way to your thinking?  The whole morning a fourcoffee haze, slim white grave in the trashcan and outside the evidence of the well-packed pack all smoked and your thinking what doesn’t kill me now may kill me later, your thinking the smoke can do the job I not brave enough to do.  In the meantide convincing theself of living by the cat who without me will have no freshwaterfoodbelledplaythings, she a black prrr in the blacknight.  In the meantide not speaking of the notness to the women who heelthump down hallways, coffeesteam and questions your weekend your morning all right?

This Lady is a TRAMMP!

October 6, 2008

Zelda's Wrestler of FASHION!!!!Most Fashionable Reader! Thanks to the Most Fashionable and Infinitely Brilliant Vivienne, Zelda now has a clearer understanding of what Section Three of Ulysses is about. All hail Vivienne! All hail that Mighty Hyacinth Girl!

Zelda does not, however, understand what she came up with for her writing assignment. She can merely reveal to you, Most Fashionable Reader, what she was doing whilst writing: watching an alarming documentary about compulsive hoarders on The Learning Channel (it is a true disorder! it gets worse as you get older! it is inherited! but, thankfully, drugs are being developed to treat it!); listening to Neutral Milk Hotel’s In the Aeroplane over the Sea (o glorious brilliance and light!); and playing Wrestler on Facebook (Zelda is quite addicted, Reader). These facts being more interesting than the actual exercise itself.

And now Zelda must respond to Fashionable Vivienne’s entry of a few days ago — the one in which Vivienne mentions “Blinded by the Light.” Zelda will confess that every time the song “Blinded by the Light” comes on the radio, her heart skips a beat, and the beat that is skipped is replaced with SHEER JOY. Not because of aforementioned song, of course, but because Zelda thinks that aforementioned song’s beginning is another song’s beginning — the other song being the most fabulous and fantastic “Disco Inferno.” Zelda always giggles when she thinks of “Disco Inferno,” Dear Reader, for, when she was in the ninth grade, one of her BFFs got into trouble during Study Hall because she was singing “Disco Inferno,” and this BFF had to write burn baby burn disco inferno burn baby burn one thousand times. So imagine for a moment, Fashionable Reader, Zelda’s dismay every time she realized that “Blinded by the Light” is not “Disco Inferno.”

Zelda has thoughtfully provided the video for “Disco Inferno” below. Do not be fooled by the first ten seconds of the video below, Dear Reader. After those ten seconds, there is Infinite Fashion that is comparable to the Fashion of the Most Fashionable Dolly Parton.

Handful of Dust

A ghostwoman with ashes incredibly frustrated. I still must dress the character. The milk jugs floating past those books I was going to write. This first draft is lifting her clothes still more and pissing on the jetties. This first draft is the eighteenwheeler across the street. This first draft is the Penthouse on the sleeperfloor. Lemonade. A paraplegic. Empty beercans in the cooler. The plumber with the BMW. A rosemary bush as big as an import. The nailpolish marinates beside the window unit. I dreamed for about twenty-nine years. It was the end of the day, and I had nothing.

In Which Vivienne Reveals Her Cougar Nature.

October 5, 2008

Listen: there are things I am not proud of.

The top things on my list is this: I have a crush on Paul Kevin Jonas the Second.

Look, I know that this is not right.  I know that this is not right at all, in any way.  But their music is just so catchy!  So upbeat!  Such a positive message for the kids these days, and the kids these days really do need a positive message, don’t they?  He has luscious curly hair!  He performed on So You Think You Can Dance! Cat Deely loved him!  Loved him!  And Cat Deely is eleven years older than he is, which means that if I am only seven years older than he is, that’s not bad!  That’s not bad!  Right?

Look, the other thing is this: Vivienne doesn’t know how she feels about this whole cougar thing.  Vivienne means by this that she is excited that the older woman/younger man dynamic is being celebrated and appreciated, in some sense, but Vivienne at the same time also doesn’t know how she feels about all of the Fuss about this.  Take, for instance, this fact: were Vivienne to realize her sweet sweet dream of meeting Kevin Jonas backstage at So You Think You Can Dance? and taking him into her arms and — well, what have you.  Were Vivienne to realize this sweet sweet dream and begin a long and exciting and glamorous and Of Course Scandalous affair with Kevin Jonas, Vivienne would be labeled A Cougar, as she is seven years older than he.  Now, look.  Here is a brief list of how many years older than her Vivienne’s last boyfriends have been (I’m leaving that sentence.  So there.  Do what you will with it): 7, 6, 7, and 14.  Were these men labeled as Cougars?  No!  Did anyone even mention this difference in age?  No!  So why must Vivienne receive a label just because she wants to buy a Kevin Jonas-printed pillow so that she may rest her weary head upon his glory every night?  Why does this make her any different — any worse — than the man who was 13 when she was 6?

And now, Vivienne must stop thinking of Kevin Jonas’ glory and perform her writing assignment, inspired by section 3 of Ulysses.  And maybe, a little bit, by the thought of running her fingers through Kevin Jonas’ curls.

Sitting bluefurred and her chair highwheeled, she the great guardian of good morals, spouting no wine but grape juice no drinking nor dancing no smoking on Sundays no laundrybasket emptied then re-filled with clean no hands in the dishsoap no bubblegloved forearms the treelights asparkle and from the far kitchen’s corner a clink hidden, Merlot splashed between glass globeside and globeside.  The cousins’ children on legs unsteadied running foreheaded against table tops, the gravy boat spitting.  Small wooden squares of death walled and captured, memento mori those who one draped legs over chair legs and cursed the potatoes, laying their outpushed teeth on the tablecloth freshlaundered and lavendar scent.  The dogcorner, the cousin knelt there with bluevein outsticking, rubber belt in the truckbed, needle and shine.