In Which Vivienne Discusses the Inappropriate Nature of Her Youth

October 6, 2008

Circumstances have arisen that have led to an odd necessity, this odd necessity being that Vivienne must look through Photographs of Her Youth, particularly Photographs of Her Youth as a College Student, in order to find An Entirely Appropriate Photograph of Her Youth as a College Student.  I admit that I thought this would be an easy undertaking.  Apparently, however, in the years since her graduation from college, Vivienne seems to have Completely and Entirely forgotten what her Life as a Youth as a College Student was like.  Vivienne found one photograph.  She was wearing a black velvet bra and a man’s suit jacket.  This, obviously, was Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found a second, third, fourth, and fifth photograph.  In all of these photographs, she was holding a wine glass.  Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found a sixth and seventh photograph.  She was shotgunning a beer in both.  Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne found an eighth photograph of her smiling pleasantly in a pleasant pink wool sweater.  Vivienne felt hope.  Vivienne looked closer.  Her roommate’s bong was in the background.  Absolutely Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne finally found a ninth photograph of her working hard at her computer.  Finally!  Appropriateness!  But for the “Militant Agnostic: You Don’t Know and I Don’t Know Either” bumper sticker plastered to the wall behind her left shoulder, not to mention the sight of a shirtless man behind her.  Absolutely Most Definitely Not Entirely Appropriate.  Vivienne now despairs, and thinks An Entirely Appropriate Photograph of Her Youth as a College Student is a non-existant myth.

Which brings us, fashionably, to this evening’s exercise, based on the fourth section of Ulysses, in which Mr. Bloom defecates in the outhouse.  In this evening’s exercise, Viv and Zel have agreed to mention something unmentionable.  Enjoy.

Wanting I think she wants a man who’s got no time for her because she doesn’t want to have time for a man.  Well, maybe she doesn’t want a man.  Has that made its way to your thinking?  The whole morning a fourcoffee haze, slim white grave in the trashcan and outside the evidence of the well-packed pack all smoked and your thinking what doesn’t kill me now may kill me later, your thinking the smoke can do the job I not brave enough to do.  In the meantide convincing theself of living by the cat who without me will have no freshwaterfoodbelledplaythings, she a black prrr in the blacknight.  In the meantide not speaking of the notness to the women who heelthump down hallways, coffeesteam and questions your weekend your morning all right?