Vivienne builds the labyrinth and escapes.

June 14, 2008

(The title of this, of course, is derived from a Most Fashionable Quotation from the Emperor of Fashion, Raymond Queneau: “Oulipians: rats who build the labyrinth from which they plan to escape.”)

Readers, visitors, and disappointed Googlers: today, Vivienne has achieved the Ultimate Feat of Fashion. There was, in fact, an absolutely unspeakable amount of Fashion in the Feat Vivienne achieved, a Feat of Fashion which will, surely, soon make National Publicity and will absolutely play an important role in Viv and Zel’s upcoming talk show (still in development — watch out for it soon). Vivienne, today, managed to combine all 8 Fashionable Poem Prompts / Poem Prompts of Fashion into one magnificent Opus of Fashion. Vivienne used a type of candy in all lines, including but not limited to JuJuBees. Vivienne made use of phrases from Martin Buber’s I and Thou, nouns from Jacquelyn Susann’s Once Is Not Enough.  Vivienne made use of the text of six in-depth interviews with Paul Newman and the lyrics to Britney Spears’ Blackout.  Vivienne made use of receipts found in Padma Parvati Lakshmi’s bathroom trash can.  Vivienne reduced the entire body of Tony Hoagland’s work to a haiku, and used that as well.  Vivienne conducted an interview with fierce Project Runway winner Christian Siriano, performed N+7 on it, removed all of the consonants, and then performed a semo-definitional translation of it.  Vivienne then took this ream of work to the beach, allowed the waves to do their work on them, and transcribed the verses that remained.  It was, in a word, orgasmic.  However, Vivienne has elected to keep this work to herself.  Why?  Because, when cleaning out a drawer, she found it — the CRAHNK.  And in order to rid her home and her life of all CRAHNKS and all vestiges of CRAHNK, Vivienne knew she had to make a sacrifice — a sacrifice of her most brilliant work, of the OuLiPo to end all OuLiPos.  And so it goes.  And so it goes.