Don’t call it a comeback.

Bette Davis and Joan CrawfordDearest, Most Fashionable Reader:

Well hello! Welcome to this Missive of Fashion! Zelda realizes that it has been quite some time since she and the Most Fashionable Vivienne have written. Zelda is writing to you, Most Fashionable Reader, to reveal that she and the Most Fashionable Vivienne apologize for this travesty. Zelda is here to tell you, Most Fashionable Reader, that she and the Most Fashionable Vivienne will soon return to grace the presence of their very own blog. She and Vivienne are also here to tell you, Most Fashionable Reader, that you will not be disappointed when they do. Zelda and Vivienne will return to on the First of October, 2008. At present, they are getting quite comfortable in their alter-alter egos: Vivienne as Bette Davis, and Zelda as Joan Crawford.

Would you, Most Fashionable Reader, like to have a peek at what Vivienne and Zelda will be working on during the month of October? Here it is:

Don’t call it a comeback, Most Fashionable Readers; Vivienne and Zelda have been here for years.


Listen to the way they slayyyyyyy!

2 Responses to Don’t call it a comeback.

  1. jessiecarty says:

    L.L Cool J is hot 🙂

    And so are you me biatches!

    look forward to seeing you guys back.

  2. williamhwandless says:

    Sad news: I am a woefully inefficient cyber-stalker. But calloo, callay natheless.

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